About us

The attractions at the LIDO Recreation Centre have been there for a long time, but amusement park LIDOLANDE gradually started to develop in 2011, when cooperation between LIDO and Annels began.

Since then, the range of attractions in LIDOLANDE has grown and now there is available attractions for different tastes and ages, every season of the year.

Opening hours of the amusement park Lidolande

Amusement park LIDOLANDE is working all year round, offering seasonal attractions. During the summer you can find here more than 20 attractions! But keep in mind that attractions depends a lot on weather. In bad or inappropriate weather some attractions or in very rare cases whole amusement park can be closed.

Attraction range in LIDOLANDE

The amusement park LIDOLANDE has several carousels, for example, classical „Horses”, „Dream Ships”, „Little Train”, “Mini ferris wheel”, during the summer also a chain carousel „Vortex”. There are attractions working throughout the year, such as „Trampolines”, „Velocarts” and „Bumper cars”.

Karuselis Sapņu kuģi un tā atspulgs peļķē

Karuselis Sapņu kuģi

It is also important to mention attractions where you can win prizes – „Snowmen cave”, „Darts” and „Duck pond”.

During the summer season, there is not only an inflatable city available for for various groups of ages, but also an inflatable objects. In the amusement park everyone has the opportunity to try the Waterballs and take a ride with boats in our specially designed pool.

Other information

Both LIDO and ourselves try to maintain seasonal and festive atmosphere in the amusement parks area through a variety of scenery and environmental elements.

Kā kaķis izgrebts ķirbis un dekoratīvs spoks uz atrakcijas Bundžas fona

Helovīnu dekorācijas

At each attraction you can find brief information about the attraction and it’s terms of use. Be sure to read this information to make your visit safe and enjoyable.

The amusement park also has trained staff who will answer your questions.

We look forward to seeing you and wish you a pleasant visit!
